
Thursday, December 31, 2009

Slip N Slide Records

And a song

Shout out to DJ Hardrock

Monday, December 28, 2009


It's like a bucket of inspiration...

By The Way

We are now running at full capacity.

Enjoy this video

Embedding was disabled by the uploader, so just like go there. Kthnxbai

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Goodbye for now

My iPod broke. But I found a way to deal

My Beats By Dre broke, so I fell back on the Skull Candies

My laptop broke this morning, so now I'm stuck using this extremely slow desktop computer and I'm trying to call Dell(Not going so well) to get it fixed. It could be a while before I put out some new music.

The computer I'm stuck using doesn't even have sound and I may have lost "You're Not A Rapper", The Old Republic, and a few songs from Beats And A Bape. But I may be able to use my MP3 player to get all the songs back. I don't know how long it'll take for dell to fix my laptop, and at the moment it's unlikely that I'll record over break so may go insane, and it's also unlikely that The Old Republic and "You're Not A Rapper" will drop.

Beats And A Bape will drop...eventually.

So until my laptop works, you wont see or hear much of me online.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Shout out to CrissB♪

Cuz this song is dope

Monday, December 7, 2009


I'm an angry, violent person with a short fuse. Not good. But anyway, Christmas break is coming. I'm getting a MIDI keyboard soon. But over break I plan to knock out three projects, maybe up to 5. I'm going hard. I can't wait. And I can't wait for new music from Melvin Burch, as well as working with him. I'm gonna work that out, somehow.

Anyway...what projects do I plan to finish?

Well in an older post I listed them as words to remember or something like that, but now theres been changes. One word was Versatile, which is now "You're Not A Rapper" and it's gonna be like No Ceilings/Enemy Of The State style. Me going over other peoples beats. 4 tracks done already.

Then I wanna finish Beats And A Bape, which only needs a few more tracks. And I'm waiting for MDP to do a verse for a track and may try to get Reverse on there too.

Then The Old Republic, which is what I'm calling the Star Wars based project. 2 tracks done and one is on a beat Melvin Burch made, it was on The Melvin Galaxy.

But anway...I'm out. Got work to do, etc.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Artists I'd Love To Work With

1. Charles Hamilton. 1 verse him, 1 verse me, 1 us trading bars like on Neh Neh Neh and both of us on the hook

2. Lady Gaga. I'd rap, she'd sing. Shit would be dope.

3. Lupe Fiasco. We'd drop some knowledge on yall. Some Food And Liquor type shit

4. B.o.B him playing his guitar and singing....crazy shit

5. XV. He's dope. Nuff said.

6. Seven aka XV's producer

7. Chris Martin. Lead singer for Coldplay.

8. Yoko Shimomura. Fucking amazing composer. Epic music, I tell you.

and yeah...

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Awkward Moments 1

Awkward in Well Isn't This Awkward type subject matter

3 females

One that I've pretty much got in the bag but don't really want. She aint ugly, I just don't see it going anywhere

One that is confusing, to say the least

One that has a man

But fuck it, new music coming soon as usual.